Cleanse liver: The liver performs very important functions for our metabolism, for this reason it is necessary to keep it always in good health: discover with this post how to detoxify the liver naturally.


The modern era often leads us to live in an unnatural way. We eat of running and of often unhealthy food, we breathe polluted air, rich in heavy metals, we are often stressed because of the frenetic rhythms. All this can inevitably lead to the accumulation of toxins, resulting in discomfort in the liver, almost always causing metabolic imbalances.

The first indications of a condition of discomfort in the liver can be: bad breath in the morning, fatigue, slow digestion, bad concentration, intestinal dysbiosis, lowering of the immune system and many other functional problems. Physical appearance can also be affected by these factors. The beauty of the skin, the brightness of the face, the expressiveness often depend on the ability of the excretory organs to correctly eliminate the waste substances of the organism.

Liver and kidneys are the most important apparatuses to which the task of eliminating accumulated waste is relegated. The congestion of these organs provokes the negative manifestations of which we have hinted.

Why cleanse the liver?

The liver is the largest organ in the human body. It occupies the upper quadrant ds of the abdominal cavity. Why is the liver so important?

  • secretes bile (500-600 ml die), a greenish-yellow liquid composed mainly of acids and bile pigments, as well as cholesterol, lecithin and inorganic salts. The bile, through the biliary tract (hepatic duct, cystic duct, gallbladder and coledochus) reaches the intestine (duodenum) and carries out important functions, such as emulsifying fats making them more sensitive to the action of pancreatic lipase (and therefore of facilitate digestion) and to stimulate intestinal peristaltic movements. When the bile is scarce in the intestinal lumen (due to liver disease or obstruction of the biliary tract or increase in bile density, for example) there may be serious changes in digestion;
  • intervenes: • in glucose metabolism polymerizing glucose in glycogen and accumulating this polymer in hepatocytes to release it as glucose if necessary (glycogenetic and glycogenolytic function); • in protein metabolism, by breaking down the aa to the formation of urea and re-synthetizing new proteins; • in the metabolism of cholesterol and in the activation of vitamin D; • in the synthesis of angiotensinogen (angiotensin I precursor, a peptide involved in the regulation of arterial P); it also produces erythropoiesis stimulating substances;
  • has a detoxifying action (splitting or neutralizing toxic substances, such as alcohol, or storing substances that can not be catabolized and excreted as DDT);
  • plays an important role in the production of antibodies and stores fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and water-soluble vitamins (vit C, complex B), as well as minerals such as iron and copper, when these are in excess in the blood.

Which plants are useful in herbal medicine for liver and biliary tract?

Hepatoprotectors are traditionally used in cases of liver disease, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. With regard to bile and biliary tract, it is traditionally made use of colagogues (phytotherapics that stimulate bile flow in the intestine) or choleretic (those that stimulate bile secretion); however many choleretics also have colagogue activities.The main therapeutic applications of choleretics / cholagogue are dyspepsia, cholelithiasis and biliary dyskinesia.

Here according to the ESCOP, the traditional plants indicated for cleanse liver:

  • hepatotropic action: the major studies are those on milk thistle;
  • liver dysfunction: celandine, turmeric rhizome, boldo leaves, artichoke leaves, rosemary leaves, dandelion root;
  • dyspeptic disorders: green anise, boldo leaves, caraway fruits, centaurea, celandine, cinnamon, turmeric, artichoke leaves, fennel, gentian root, devil’s claw root, juniper, peppermint leaves, rosemary leaves, dandelion root;

As is correctly observed by Firenzuoli, it is necessary to modulate the interventions very carefully because, sometimes, the liver needs only to rest rather than being stimulated by drugs to excessive or too specific choleretic activity and / or colagogue.

At the phytotherapeutic level which treatment do you recommend?

Among our products to advise you are:

  • our herbal tea (Primum dep);
  • our mother tincture of dandelion or artichoke: alone or in association with each other;
  • juniper bud extract, an excellent hepato-renal drainage, by virtue of its anti-hepatotoxic and stimulating renal function (30 drops, diluted in water, 2 times a day, for 20 days) and can be associated with rosemary bud extract.

Our most useful and effective supplement to purify, on the other hand, is Italic depurative. Italic depurative was born from an ancient recipe found in the annals of the phytotherapeutic tradition and is built in the hills of the Florentine Chianti area with the guarantee of control of the production chain.
Italic depurative is among other things gluten-free and naturally lactose-free and, unlike many other formulations, has a pleasant taste of green apple which makes it pleasant to take, although no sugars or synthetic sweeteners are used (such as acesulfame , aspartame, sucralose).

Italic depurative, with the synergistic action of three important plant species, milk thistle, dandelion, tamarind, manages to rebalance the metabolic activity and to harmonize the physiological exchanges; why this formulation?

Milk thistle ripe fruits: experimental studies have shown different pharmacological properties: antioxidants, hepatoprotective, nephropotective, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer. It is hepatoprotective because:

  • increases protein synthesis in hepatocytes, stimulating hepatic regeneration (silymarin stimulates the activity of RNA polymerase1, the polymerase synthesizes ribosomal RNA: an increase in ribosomal RNA coincides with liver regeneration);
  • silymarin and silybin, active ingredients, are powerful antioxidants able to react with free radicals (involved in different pathological conditions, including inflammation, fibrosis, hepatic necrosis) and transform them into more stable and less reactive compounds and therefore unable to cause tissue damage. Silymarin and silibine inhibit lipid oxidation and increase the production of glutathione, a compound involved in the detoxification of harmful substances in the liver, stomach, intestine, as well as the enzyme superoxide dismutase;
  • silymarin has anti-inflammatory effects documented in various experimental models of inflammation, such as carrageenan edema and skin inflammation induced by xylene. It should also be noted that hepatic inflammation, due to occlusion of the biliary tract, causes a progressive fibrotic expansion of the portal vessels culminating in secondary biliary cirrhosis. The antifibrotic properties of silymarin have been highlighted in the laboratory;

The German E Commission recommends the drug for the treatment of digestive disorders and an extract (standardized to 70% in silymarin) for hepatic alterations and for the adjuvant treatment of hepatitis and chronic cirrhosis. Italic Depurative contains a very high dosage of milk thistle extract with the guarantee of a standardization in silymarin: as much as 700 mg per day.

Dandelion: Thanks to the presence of taraxacin, dandelion facilitates and improves digestion by increasing the secretion of the digestive glands and stimulating the production of saliva, gastric and pancreatic juices. It exerts a protective effect on the liver, stimulates the production of bile and facilitates the emptying of the gall bladder. The increase in bile production favors, in turn, intestinal movements. The inulin contained in the extracts from the root acts as prebiotic, ie contributes to the well-being of the beneficial bacterial flora (Bifidobacteria). Its flavonoids act on the kidneys, increasing the production of urine and facilitating the elimination of excess fluids, toxins and waste substances. In addition, stimulation of biliary secretion gives dandelion an excellent depurative action, even in diets rich in fats. Root extracts can be useful against chronic constipation.

Tamarind: tamarind is a plant rich in active ingredients; the minerals and vitamins present in tamarind are potassium (present in large quantities), phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, selenium, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin C. Among the amino acids, those present they are lysine, tryptophan and methionine. The acid taste of tamarind is due to tartaric acid, responsible for the regularity of intestinal transit. It has protective and decongestant properties against the liver, facilitates the emptying of the gall bladder and prevents biliary disorders. Recent studies have shown that tamarind extracts have a remineralizing and refreshing effect. Recent studies have also found that tamarind contains in its pulp some antioxidant substances such as caffeic acid and ellagic acid. It also reduces the absorption of carbohydrates.

Cleanse liver: Who should you recommend Italic Depurative?

To all those who wish:

  • improve your general state of health;
  • recover the energies and feel clean inside;
  • take care also of their external appearance (beauty is the result of a harmony between health and psychological well-being.

How to take it?

It is good to take 25 ml per day of Italic depurative to be diluted in a glass of water, preferably mid-morning away from meals, for at least 20 days, three times a year (for example, during season changes).

Cleanse liver: which feed to follow during the purifying treatment?

  • prefer the use of spices and aromas to that of salt;
  • change all foods as much as possible;
  • opts for baked dishes, steam, etc;
  • reduce the consumption of food prepared with fried or fried food;
  • reduce to a minimum the consumption of carbonated drinks and packaged fruit juices;
  • limits alcohol and red wine, at most a glass of red wine per meal;
  • limits the aged and very fat cheeses;
  • limits offal and sausages for occasional use.

And for those who also want to improve the skin?

  • Can be used in association with these dermopurifying Mother Tinctures: burdock mother tincture, fumaria mother tincture, viola tricolor mother tincture, in equal quantities up to 125 ml total; according to Bergeret and Tétau (The New Phytotherapy, 1983): burdock is the typical remedy of the also inflamed skin dysfunctions, purple tricolor is very ancient remedy of the dermatosis and fumaria acts as dermal draining. Doses: 50-70 gtt morning, noon and evening on a fast. Dilute the product in a little water and drink in small sips held each time for about 1 min under the tongue to favor a first absorption by the oral mucosa.
  • Can use: the supplement Aknil dermo (capsules based on Burdock, black currant, grapefruit, viola tricolor) or omega 3 pearls.

Dr. Laura Comollo

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